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セダン ファミリーカー
セダン ファミリーカー-A family car is a car classification used in Europe to describe normallysized cars The name comes from the marketed use of these cars to carry a whole family locally or on vacationsMost family cars are hatchbacks or sedans, although there are MPVs, estates and cabriolets with the same structure as with the other body styleThe term covers two types of family carsSedan Family 177 likes Cars See more of Sedan Family on Facebook

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Top Sedan Cars in India Checkout the list of highest rated sedans available in Indian market Also get price, mileage, review, images and specification info for latest & upcoming sedan carsThe Pink Sedan (or the Family Sedan) is one of two automobiles belonging to the Simpson family It is a Plymouth Junkerolla It is Homer's car, and he uses it almost exclusively, although Marge, Bart, Lisa and even Maggie have driven it at some point The car features minor damage on the left front fender (which has never been repaired), driver's side airbag, a column shifter, a bent upFind Sedan listings for sale starting at $2995 in Perrysburg, OH Shop Prestige Family Cars to find great deals on Sedan listings
Edmunds expert reviewers rank the best sedans of 21 and 22 on a 10point scale that includes performance, comfort, interior, technology, and value Our picks for the best family cars of 21 deliver good fuel economy, low operating costs, and high levels of safety at affordable pricesファミリーカー(Family car )は、ヨーロッパで通常サイズの車を表すために使用される車の分類である。 この名前は、家族全員を地元や休暇で運ぶのにこれらの車が適していることに由来している。

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Family sedans may have largely gone the way of the dodo, but the Toyota Camry is not only hanging in there but fighting hard – and with good reason The sizeable fourdoor (the Camry wagon was killed off more than a decade ago) has shed most of its conservative driving manners to become a car that is comfortable cruising and competent in corners These are the best family friendly cars available for 21 and include a mix of and 21 model year vehicles They were selected based on their interior space, safety scores, performance and 日本車全盛期に大ヒットした「王道ファミリーセダン」4選+1 公開日 21年8月7日 元画像 10 × 808 1990年代の爆売ファミリーカー の画像のページです。


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Search & read hundreds of family sedan reviews & road tests by top motoring journalists A sedan is the classic fourdoor car shape, and is still the most common bodystyle on Australian roads Sedans are available in several sizes, from small to midsize, to large, right up to luxury saloons Browse the complete range of family sedans and find a vehicle that suits all of Being a sedan, the BMW 3 Series is not the fashionable SUV shape for a family car, however, we LOVED it and say it is one of the easiest, comfortable and most relaxed cars we have had with our family The BBMW 3 Series Sedan scored a fivestar ANCAP Safety Rating in 19 and seven airbags come as standard SUVs Aren't the Only Cars With Loads of Space Just because everyone else is buying an SUV doesn't mean you need to follow suit A sedan is a solid option for many reasons, and it might actually save you money in some cases, not to mention being fun to drive, nice to look at, and easy on fuel

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